F&I Rapport-Building Strategies

F&I Rapport Building Strategies.jpg

Financial Services Managers: The early bird gets the worm

This old adage addresses the fact that opportunities are best when you get the jump on the situation. And this is certainly true when it comes to building rapport with customers at your dealership. Here’s what to do:

•    Become self-aware– Remember that a customer’s impression of you is often formed well before they ever meet you. They see you in your office with other customers. They hear you on the phone or talking with the Sales Manager. That means you need to be aware of your attitude and your demeanor when others can see or hear you. 

•    Notice more – Pay attention to the entire dealership. Begin to identify potential customers and those who are in the dealership for service. These people may end up sitting in front of you today or in the near future. How they perceive you could have a huge impact on your success when they arrive in your office!

•    Make a good first impression – When walking through the dealership, make a conscious effort to smile and make eye contact with customers. For those who appear to be wandering, offer to help. And if you happen to see a customer you know by name, say hello and use their name. All of this will be noticed by other customers and provide an instant positive impression of you and your dealership.

•    Introduce yourself prior to working the deal – Once you have been handed the deal packet, leave your office and have the salesperson introduce you to the customer. Let them know that you will be processing their paperwork and that it will only be a few moments until you’ll be ready. 

•    Show them you care – Before leaving to prepare the documents, ask this question: “Are there any specific areas of concern you will need me to address as we go over your purchase agreement?” This question helps you build instant credibility with the customer by showing them you intend on putting their interests first!

All of these things help you make a good first impression with the customer. It will also improve your chances to sell once they join you in your office.

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