5 Reasons Why the Fixed Ops Roundtable is a Must!

Think the Fixed Ops Roundtable is just another meeting? Think again!

This event is a powerful platform for automotive retail experts to learn and be heard. Don’t miss out on this once opportunity!

The upcoming Fixed Ops Roundtable SUMMER PALOOZA! which will be held virtually, comes on the heels of our highly successful 90’s REWIND! show. This will be our 24thconference!

Save the dates: September 16-19, 2024

Automotive retail expert facilitator, Ted Ings, will co-host this event, along with Sarah Vantine, Katrina Ness and Vanessa Collins. And your attendance will help make it phenomenal.

Out of the countless reasons to attend the upcoming Roundtable, these are the most powerful:

1. Position yourself as an expert

When you are active in the fixed ops community, you develop a reputation as an expert to your peers. Those who are engaged over the long term are often asked to speak at the events and to write articles for their industry publications. Professionals like to associate with experts in our industry.

Register now: FixedOpsRoundtable.com

Clients feel good about doing business with those that are celebrated by their peers. If your strategy is to be the best-kept secret in your business community, you will be missing a valuable opportunity.

2. Gain major social media recognition

You may have seen the last Fixed Ops Roundtable streaming live. The event got a ton of views, likes, and comments – and the upcoming meeting promises to do the same. Being involved is a great way to gain social media recognition and get the connections that are so important in today’s world.

3. Build powerful relationships

Networking is an essential stepping stone to success. The Fixed Ops Roundtable draws Dealers, General Managers, Fixed Ops Directors, Service Managers and Parts leaders from throughout the industry. Attending the event opens the door to building powerful relationships with these influential individuals.

4. Get your ideas heard

Do you want to be heard by industry leaders? Then share your ideas at the Roundtable! The best in the business will be on hand to listen and provide feedback. Plus, thousands more will see and hear your message broadcast over social media.

5. Learn from the best in the business

The Fixed Ops Roundtables have featured guest appearances from numerous automotive retail superstars. Speakers include Jay Leno, Brian Tracy, Greg Penske, Brian MacDonald of CDK Global, Tom Doll, Fred Beans, Liza Borches, Beau Boeckmann of Galpin Motors, and many others.

Our upcoming SUMMER PALOOZA! virtual event on September 16-19, 2024 promises to bring together a similar lineup of A-list participants. You’ll gain insight from a collection of industry leaders.

RSVP for a guaranteed seat!

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity – visit our enrollment page at FixedOpsRoundtable.com to sign up today!

Sponsorship opportunities

Interested sponsors should contact Ted Ings at (212) 763-0016.