Virtual Test Drives and Walkarounds: VR in the Dealership Virtual test drive, VR in the dealershipCenter for Performance ImprovementMay 5, 2018Ralph Paglia, Automotive Digital Marketing, Car Buyer of the Future Study, Virtual Reality in the dealership, Automotive VR, Automotive Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Vehicle Delivery Process, VR Virtual Delivery Process 0 Comments
Getting High-Tech is Just a Tweak, Not an Overhaul dealership technology, dealership connectivityCenter for Performance ImprovementApril 3, 2018Ralph Paglia, Automotive Digital Marketing, Apple CarPlay, Andriod Auto, Dealership Wi-Fi Hotspots, dealership workstations, dealership connectivity, dealership bandwidth, dealership blocks Internet 0 Comments
Ralph Paglia: Allow the Customer to Select the Communication Channel Ralph Paglia, Dealership TextingCenter for Performance ImprovementMarch 27, 2018customer communication preferences, Automotive Digital Marketing, ADM Ralph Paglia, Ralph Paglia, automotive digital communication, service department texting, service advisor texting 0 Comments