Service Advisor Training: Choose a Trainer Who Guarantees Their Worth

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Automotive trainers aren’t always the most engaging bunch, are they? 

It’s usually session after session sitting in rows of chairs, sipping hotel coffee and eating day-old pastries. Their purpose is to invigorate the people in attendance – your staff – and to coach them in business practices, sales, and especially in customer interactions. But it’s often boring and, ultimately, ineffective. 

The alternative is the status quo. Just keep doing what you’re doing and, hopefully, your team will learn and develop on their own. It’s safe to say that self-improvement isn’t the norm, though.

Training is an Investment in People

From the brand new valet to the Dealer Principal, from the subprime lender to the OEM’s district manager, professional development is necessary on a regular basis. People are prone to slipping into old habits, and growth happens when you’re uncomfortable. 

Professional training is an investment in your people, the team you entrust to interact with your customers and operate your company. You want them to do better for themselves and for you. 

But expert trainers aren’t cheap, and cheap trainers aren’t experts. 

So, to improve your team, financial investment is required. But how do you know that the money you’re spending will be worthwhile?

You want an engaging trainer that understands the automotive industry, from manufacturing to finance, from retail sales to fixed operations. Training needs to be more than head knowledge. It must have evidence; real-world results. 

From previous experiences, you’re likely aware that high-priced automotive trainers don’t usually guarantee their training. After all, how do you ensure that the information you provide is put to good use? 

The 100% Delight Guarantee

There’s only one place you’ll get the promise of complete satisfaction. The Center for Performance Improvement is unlike any other, providing a complete 100% Delight Guarantee. If you don’t feel the training is worth every penny you’ve paid for it, simply return the training materials and receive a full refund on your training investment. 

With the 100% Delight Guarantee, training from the Center for Performance Improvement is the only training you can receive that doesn’t cost a penny if you aren’t satisfied. Find out how we can help you grow your business!