Take the Test Drive to the Customer
By Ted Ings, Executive Director
Whether you like it or not, it still takes a car buyer over three hours in the dealership to buy a car, start to finish.
It’s the case even when they’ve already narrowed down their choice to just one vehicle.
Put those statistics to work FOR you instead of against you. If car shoppers aren’t finding time in their busy schedules to test drive a car and make a purchase, you might want to consider bringing the car to them.
In fact, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics tracks how the average American uses their time daily. The average American aged 15 and up spends up to 4.4 hours per day on work-related activities, 8.8 hours on personal activities (like sleep), and just 3.85 hours on sports and leisure. By the way, most of the leisure time is watching TV.
At-Home Test Drives Grow Quickly in Popularity
That might seem like a lot of personal time in a day. But the fact is that no matter who you are, life just feels busy! Days are spent at work, evenings are occupied with sports, leisure, and family activities, and well, there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep.
Where does a person find time to replace their worn-out car? When buying a vehicle takes up to 15 hours to research, test drive, and purchase, it can seem like a daunting task.
Book a Complimentary "Ask the Expert" Discovery Call with Ted Ings
Exclusively for Dealers, Executive Managers and OEM/Lenders/Suppliers
Why At-Home Test Drives?
It began with Hyundai and is now offered by several manufacturers in certain test areas. At-home test drives are a way to take the car-shopping process outside the showroom. Customers love it. More importantly, it’s an incredibly successful way to sell cars.
• At-home test drive customers are serious. These shoppers know that they’re beginning a relationship with a dealership and a salesperson. They just want an advantage; a more convenient way to shop for a car.
• It boosts closing rates. Unlike shopping for a car on ‘the strip’, there’s no hopping from dealer to dealer. If the customer likes the car, they will buy it.
• It mitigates the in-dealership atmosphere. In the showroom, a customer has their defenses up. They’re out of their element. But at home where they are comfortable, they are more open to negotiations.
The New Way to Test Drive: We Come to You!
Before it becomes a widespread program mandated by every manufacturer, take advantage of the benefits in at-home test drives.
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