Communicate Effectively in Service with … Snapchat?

By Ted Ings, Executive Director

The dealership service experience doesn’t end when the customer picks up their vehicle from the cashier. 

For the next three to six months, the service department needs to communicate with their client, ensuring their satisfaction and solidifying they return for their next maintenance appointment. 

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Email campaigns are still effective, but so much email is deleted before it’s read. Is there a better way to engage service customers between in-store visits?

Perhaps it’s time to go where the customers are. As of April 2019, 190 million people are active on Snapchat daily. Yes, your customers are on Snapchat. 

What Should You Snapchat?

If it’s something you could email, there’s a good chance you could Snapchat it instead, AND have it opened.

•    Do you have a promotion running on synthetic oil upgrades or there’s a manufacturer sale on air filter replacement? Put it in a Snapchat message. 

•    Do you have a really bad case of worn-out brakes in the shop? Snapchat a quick video for your customers on the effect of ignoring brake noise. 

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•    Your customers want to know how to take care of their car. Perhaps send a Snapchat on how to check the cabin air filter, or how to know when the transmission fluid needs to be changed. 
The messages should be concise and valuable, ensuring your customers engage in them time after time. 

Get Connected with Customers

The challenge will be establishing a Friends list with as many customers as possible. Unfortunately, you’ve sent them too much junk mail, so you’ll need to prove its worthwhile to connect with you on Snapchat. 


It might seem ironic, but an email blast is a great way to connect with a bunch of customers. Then, when your customers are in for a visit, establish a routine requesting a Snapchat connection by either the service advisor or the cashier. You’ll need to ask for at least six months to gain a healthy following on Snapchat. 

The moral is this: communicate with your customers where they are. In today’s changing market, that’s Snapchat. 


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