Distracted Driving is one thing, but Texting and Driving? That’s a Whole Other Story

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Help Customers Obey Texting and Driving Laws.

It’s illegal to use hand-held cell phones in 14 states currently, while in 47 states it’s illegal to text and drive. 

The dangers are obvious – the driver takes their focus off the road to look at their device, plus their attention isn’t on the safe operation of their vehicle. 

In fact, a recent Canadian survey shows that 96 percent of respondents believe people who text and drive are a danger to their personal safety on the road, and just as dangerous as drunk drivers. 83 percent think the problem is worse now than it was three years ago. 

But what can you do about it? Actually, you can make a bigger difference than you might think. 

Today’s vehicles are equipped with technology to keep drivers connected, but they probably don’t know how to use it to its capacity. Bluetooth hands-free phone capability, audio streaming, voice recognition, Siri Eyes-Free, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay – they can be tough to figure out.

And that’s where your opportunity comes in.

Make it a Focus on the Sales Walkaround

Clearly, people find it important to prevent texting and driving. During the sales walkaround, detail the connectivity features and their benefits to every shopper. Give a brief demonstration on the test drive also to show how simple it is to use.

Set It Up on Vehicle Deliveries

Before the car buyer leaves the delivery bay, help them set up Bluetooth and other connectivity options with their smartphone. Give the features a ‘test drive’ so the customer is confident using them. 

Ask Customers in the Service Drive if They Need Help

Your customers might not know or remember if they have the ability to read or receive messages without looking at their phone, and they aren’t going to ask you. Casually ask if the customer has their Bluetooth or Apple CarPlay set up, or if they need a hand using it. 

Offer Technology Clinics

Some customers need more time to learn about the cars they’ve bought. Advertise a technology clinic to your current customers, offering to spend as much time as they need to sort out their car’s tech features. 

It might not make any new sales for you. It will help keep your current customers safer, and it certainly proves your dealership authority. 



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