When Your Sales Manager's a Jerk

When Your Sales Managers a Jerk.jpg

Everyone can get frustrated at work at various times. Yet in some cases, the manager you're working for, not the job itself, can be the source of your headaches.

We’ve all had them: Managers who make going to work a reason to call in sick. 

They’re the ones who know it all, slam you” in front of co-workers, and tell you to “get out of my office and go sell a vehicle!” 

But is dealing with this behavior entirely their responsibility? 

Here are a few things you can do:

Look Inside First. Before you blame the boss for all your troubles, ask yourself a few key questions:

•    Am I doing everything possible to become the best I am at what I do?
•    Do I arrive on time for work, ready to get down to business?
•    Have I followed all the processes that my manager has asked me to follow with every customer?
•    Do I provide added value to the management team and their overall goals for the dealership?

Of course, there are situations where managers are simply just jerks. You won’t be able to change that no matter what you do.

So work to understand your manager and get your own act together. There’s a good chance your situation – and your relationship – will improve! 

Got a “bad boss” story you’d like to share? We’d like to hear about it.