What Better Time To Leave The Old Way of Doing Business Behind – Than Right Now?

Resolve to Become Customer Focused Today

Why not commit to improving the way you treat customers on a daily basis? Here are just a few items that can help you resolve to improve your customer’s retail experience:

Center for Performance Improvement - What Better Time to Leave the Old Way of Doing Business Behind Than Right Now

Service Department:

  •    Treat me like you want me to come back again and again.
  •    Meet me at my vehicle and show me how you can save me time.
  •    I want to know my vehicle is in good operating condition, so please let me know when maintenance items need attention.
  •    Make it convenient and comfortable for me to do business with you. Offer a variety of hours, services and a clean and accommodating waiting area.

Sales Department:

  •    When I contact you by email, please respond quickly with accurate and honest information.
  •    Don’t lie to me just to get me to come to the dealership.
  •    Listen to my needs and present features and benefits about vehicles that will meet those needs.
  •    Don’t sell me a particular model just because you make the most money from it.
  •    When I say no, find out what my concerns are in a professional manner and address my      concerns.
  •    Endless hours of negotiating make both of us unhappy and ruin future relationships.

Financial Services Department:

  •    Provide me with an overview of how your products could benefit me and I might buy them.
  •    Don’t try to slide things in by saying, “All of our cars have it” or “That’s included!”
  •    Be straight with me about how my financing options will affect me several years from now. If I’m going to be stuck with this vehicle for 7 years because the financing will put me in a serious negative equity position, at least let me know. You may lose a deal now, but I’ll never buy from you again if you stick me like that.

Treat customers the way they wish to be treated and your dealership will bring years of profitability.